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A new study at MarketsandMarkets published that the healthcare industry will invest $5.4 billion in cloud computing by 2017. The healthcare sector is seeing huge benefits from utilizing the cloud. Doctors, clinics, and hospitals can access information quickly in the cloud, and also removes the physical barriers of sharing information across the system. It provides these large health systems the opportunity for more accurate information and better customer service.



However, there are the security and privacy concerns that must be considered in working with HIPAA and Meaningful Use regulations. With 20.5% of healthcare moving to the cloud in 2014 (4% in 2013), these concerns are real and need to be addressed at the cloud service provider level. With cloud services projected to save the healthcare industry $11 billion over the next three years, it has become a top priority for healthcare organizations.


Hype or Ripe: Can cloud services manage the rising demand of healthcare organizations moving to the cloud?