Computerworld’s annual Forecast survey is out and of the 353 IT executives polled, nearly 29% said they plan to increase IT staffing through the summer of 2012. That’s up from 23% in the 2010 survey and 20% in the 2009 survey. Altogether, it’s a 45% increase in hiring expectations over the past two years.
Those surveyed said these nine skills will be in high demand in 2012:
1. Programming and Application Development
2. Project Management
3. Help Desk/Technical Support
4. Networking
5. Business Intelligence
6. Data Center
7. Web 2.0
8. Security
9 Telecommunications
What do you think of this list of skills; do you agree with this prediction of skills to look for in 2012 (Ripe), or disagree (Hype)? Include your comments below if you have other skills requirements you are looking for in your organization.
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