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From Dan Quirk, SAP National Practice Leader

A new study from Gartner quantifies the benefits of adopting predictive business metrics. According to the study, businesses that invest in analytics that provide predictive tools will see a 20% profitability bump by 2017. However, despite their proven value, many CIOs say their companies aren’t currently investing in these tools.

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  • 31% of IT leaders say they don’t have measureable metrics in place to improve business performance
  • However, 71% of IT leaders know what metrics are most important for their business, highlighting a 40% gap in those who know what to measure but aren’t currently tracking for it
  • Only 48% of IT leaders have identified important metrics, and have tied them to their top KPIs

For those developing these business process suites, they’re in for some big years ahead, with Gartner estimating this sector to grow to $2.8 billion this year.

SAP HANA has been touted for its ability to analyze over a billion data records in 0.04 seconds. Our clients see big results with the power of SAP HANA, and its potential is only just being tapped.

Are you using predictive metrics to guide your business this year? Have you seen benefits from it?