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To improve profit margins and ensure application performance, software providers with multi-tenant SaaS environments should periodically evaluate their platform providers. With new technologies and best practices constantly evolving—both from your perspective and the perspective of your platform provider—a partner that was a good fit at the beginning of the relationship may no longer be the ideal partner today. Here are three key areas to consider:

  • As you compare the cost and performance of your platform to others, analyze the set-up. While RAM, CPUs and storage may be the same from platform-to-platform, how each partner builds out the platform could be different, which will impact the cost of those resources. For example, does your partner fully leverage virtualization to utilize each resource to the maximum extent?
  • Another key aspect is security, specifically making sure the provider is SSAE16 Type II audited, and depending on the vertical, compliant with HIPAA, PCI-DSS and other industry regulations. Choosing a partner that helps meet the security and compliance requirements of your customers—through a protected, audited environment—opens doors to those customers concerned about regulatory requirements.
  • Delivering a true platform means more than building the environment—it also means managing the environment and helping you support customers. You have invested a lot of time and resources in building a service organization. Your platform provider should be just as invested—from the infrastructure to backup and disaster recovery, automation and orchestration, and a service desk that services you and your customers. For example, a customer-oriented platform provider assesses service tickets, and if software-related, they send customers to you. Anything else, they should solve on the spot—such as issues related to the OS, backup/restore, and outages that need to fail over.

To find out how Logicalis can help your organization evaluate your SaaS platform provider and better leverage the cloud to increase revenues, improve margins and enhance customer experiences, visit