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IT leaders have indicated a host of different qualities they look for in an MSP. Do you agree with this list? How does your provider measure up?

Education & Resources

  • Do you feel like your questions are answered and there is clear control of your systems?  Are answers to common issues readily available on your MSP’s website or via another source? Is their customer service center available on the phone when you need support?

Business Process Knowledge

  • Has your provider given you what you need in order to have a clear understanding of the process of managing your environment?   Doing so will increase predictability and provide proactive planning for emergencies, as well as the everyday running and management of your environment.


  • Do you trust that your business objectives can be accomplished with their capabilities?


  • Do you feel like they really listen to you?   They should use the information shared with them to achieve better solutions. The competitive nature of this industry is apparent. If your MSP isn’t always striving to improve, someone else will be.


  • Do they have a strong history in the industry and experience with large and multinational environments to make you feel confident you’re in good hands?

Is this list ripe and covers the main characteristics you look for in an MSP? Or Hype? What other qualities are important to you?

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