It has been said that 2013 is the year of the hybrid cloud. Already this year companies have started to store their data in the hybrid cloud and it is estimated that more companies will continue this trend throughout the year.
Not only are more companies planning to use the hybrid cloud, but they are also planning to increase the amount of data they store in the cloud. When surveyed 66% of IT decision makers from the US, UK, Germany, France, and the Netherlands said they are planning on increasing the amount of data they will store in the cloud by 2015.
While many companies are excited about the hybrid cloud and its improved data security of onsite and offsite storage, some are still hesitant about the security of their data. Companies are especially concerned with data security when it comes to BYOD. And in a recent survey 67% of IT decision makers were concerned about the retention and security of company data on mobile devices.
Do you think that the hybrid cloud will increase data security in the cloud, and this is ripe? Or is this hype?
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