It seems that every January Managed Service Providers (MSPs) become busy planning their service offerings for the New Year. They improve on existing offerings and begin to develop new service offerings.
As a company using cloud services from a MSP or even for someone keeping up on the cloud industry it is important to be aware of the MSP changes for the year, so that you can easily navigate through these changes.
MSP Alliance has listed the following predictions for 2013:
- Financial: MSPs have always been about saving customers money, and this will be increasingly important.
- Partner Selection: The days of easily selecting a vendor are over, but solid companies still exist. It just might be more difficult for these companies and partners to find each other.
- Fake Providers: As more unqualified companies try to take on cloud computing, it will be important to verify a company’s legitimacy before working with them.
- Transparency: It is important to be transparent, as more and more people understand IT better.
- Regulation: With regulation becoming important in many facets of IT, it isn’t surprising that MSPs might be facing more regulation this year.
- Security: As it is important for the cloud to be secure it will also be important for all services a MSP offers to be secure.
Will these predictions happen in 2013, making this list ripe? Or is this list hype and these are not important predictions for 2013?
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