For the past two years, Logicalis has conducted a global survey of CIO pressures and priorities, and we’re doing so again in 2015. These studies have been instrumental in uncovering trends and expectations that when implemented, can propel an IT department’s position from that of a backroom cost center to a services-led partner for internal line-of-business customers.
In 2013, the survey revealed 60% of CIOs believed line-of-business managers would gain more power over IT decision-making in the next three to five years. A year later, the survey showed this to be true: One in four admitted they had lost control of technology spending.
They also acknowledged the balance of power in technology spending had already shifted decisively toward line-of-business executives. The remedy, the survey showed, was to transform IT departments from a technology focus to services focus.
But to do that, IT needs to broker technology services. The first step toward such a service-defined enterprise model is embracing a software-defined data center—something three out of four CIOs claimed a year ago that they were making a priority.
So the question today is…Have CIOs fully embraced this transformation?
To find out, we’re conducting another new survey. CIOs and other top-level IT pros are invited to take part—the survey will be available online until September 10th. The results will then be available for download in Q3 this year from the Logicalis website at
In the meantime, to learn more about CIO pressures and priorities, read the results of our 2014 survey and then explore the relationship between a software-defined data center and a service-defined enterprise at
We also invite you explore six ways an on-demand, service-defined infrastructure benefits the enterprise and download the free white paper: “Why Every CEO Wants to Lead a Service Defined Enterprise and Why the CIO Needs to Make it Happen” at