By Ron Temske, Vice President, Security Solutions, Logicalis US
Most CIOs are well aware that there’s a significant shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the talent pool today. This becomes increasingly clear – and painful – for IT leaders within enterprise organizations as they are pressured from every side to bolster their companies’ security strategies and protect their digital assets. A growing number of regulatory and compliance requirements coupled with demands from corporate boards of directors, shareholders and customers – particularly in the manufacturing and legal verticals where security questionnaires are being added as a requirement of doing business – is creating a demand for skilled, well-trained IT security specialists that simply cannot be filled.
In fact, there are at least one million cybersecurity job openings today, and experts predict the number of open positions will grow to as many as 6 million globally by 2019, with roughly 1.8 million of those going unfilled by 2022 as demand outpaces the supply of well-trained IT security program graduates.1
To help fill the gap caused by this shortage of cybersecurity professionals, we are taking proactive steps. First, we’ve expanded our Optimal Security suite of managed security offerings. And second, we’ve grown our cybersecurity curriculum and apprenticeship program to include three UK-based university partners to increase the number of trained security solutions experts in the talent pool while giving Logicalis access to an ongoing supply of IT security program graduates that will ensure the health and stability of our Optimal Security program over time.
What Can Managed Security Services Do for You?
As part of the expansion of our Optimal Security suite of managed security services, we’ve created a comprehensive set of solutions that can operate individually or integrate with other offerings within the suite as well as with our extensive infrastructure management services.
With 400 managed security customers already under our care, our Optimal Security suite of services is designed to accomplish three important goals: (1) to provide the visibility needed to detect suspicious or malicious activity, (2) to provide remediation and response when a problem does occur, and (3) to harden your defenses, making them less susceptible to attack in the first place.
Based on more than a decade of experience with security solutions, our Optimal Security program consists of a suite of services, including Optimal Threat Insight, which provides 24×7 electronic monitoring of your organization’s environment uniquely coupled with human analysts who, unlike many competing services, provide you with expert guidance and recommendations. A second key service, Optimal Vulnerability Management, helps you identify and close weaknesses and insecure configurations within your organization that could be exploited by an outside entity. Other noteworthy offerings in the program provide firewall and network security device management as well as security management for endpoint devices ranging from desktops and laptops to Windows and Linux servers.
Want to learn more? Send me an email at Then, examine the managed security services Logicalis offers to improve your overall security posture and reduce your attack surface. Is it time to step up your security game? Don’t be held hostage by ransomware; read these 10 tough security questions every CIO must be able to answer. And finally, explore a number of cybersecurity blog posts from Logicalis experts here: