There are security risks that come with BYOD, but these risks don’t mean that your company shouldn’t participate in BYOD. Below are four suggestions to prepare for BYOD and BYOD security:
Don’t Overcomplicate: Prohibiting employees from bringing their own device or creating overcomplicated polices around BOYD encourage employees to bypass business restrictions. However, if you keep rules and regulations around BYOD short and simple employees are more likely to comply.
Use a VPN: Begin addressing BYOD by using a VPN. Using a VPN causes a common ground for your organization’s trusted internal network and an untrusted, external network.
Provide access only to email: If your mobile devices don’t support VPN it might be a good idea to only provide email access to your employees’ mobile devices. Since email is the primary method of communication between employees this is the most necessary.
Use full-screen remote logins: This is a low-effort, high-value solution to provide access without significant risks. The data is kept on the corporate network and not on the device so even if the device is lost there is no data exposure risk.
Do you believe these tips for BYOD security are hype? Or are these tips ripe and help with BYOD preparations?
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