Guest Post by Virgil Vaduva, Director of Information Security and Compliance
In 2012 the use of cloud computing increased 12%, reaching 13 billion according to Infonetics Research. Cloud computing continues to grow larger, reaching more companies, and as a result more and more companies are concerned with the security of data stored in the cloud. Therefore Infonetics Research also expects that over the next five years cloud-based security services will grow at a rate of 69%. The growth of cloud-based security services is directly connected with cloud market growth, therefore companies want to be sure that their data is secure in the cloud, consequently being more likely to use cloud security services such as Security-as-a-Service, BYOD, Data Control, Enforcing Security Policies, and other similar services.
Do you agree this is ripe and cloud use and cloud-based security will continue to grow over the next few years? Or is this hype and they won’t continue to grow?
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